February Special Events at Northwoods

  • Saturday, February 10 from 10-11 a.m. at North Shore Park

    Northwoods SEE Justice Sponsors Demonstration at Peace Bridge

    The demonstration at North Shore Park is *this weekend*. We will be there rain or shine (current forecast is cool and breezy) to show the Woodlands that they can Side With Love. Bring a sign for your favorite UU-aligned social justice cause, or one encouraging more love in the world. We will meet at 9:45 a.m. near the entrance to North Shore park and go out on the bridge at 10. Thank you for your support.

  • Friday, February 16

    LGBTQIA+ Connections Group Meet Up

    Friday, February 16: LGBTQIA+ Connections Group Meet Up

    Hello to all in the Northwoods LGBTQIA+ Connections Group. We are starting our meetings again in 2024, our next meeting will be at Conduit Coffee this coming Friday, February 16, from 6 to 7 pm. Please join us for good talk, good coffee and a planning session for the rest of the year.

    Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Friday, February 16

  • February 24

    Saturday in the Forest

    Join Terry Leyenberger for a one hour visit to the forest on Saturday February 24, 2024. Terry is running an irregular series of outdoor classes on Saturday mornings to share his knowledge of the natural world. Terry is a professional geologist, certified naturalist, and lover of the outdoors. These visits to the forest are your opportunity to learn more about the history of the area, edible and useful plants, birds and mammals, outdoor bushcraft skills, and how to observe nature. Everyone is welcome.

    Email office@northwoodsuu.org to get the joining instructions for the event. Each event will be held at a park in The Woodlands where there will be a bathroom, water fountain, and a place to get out of the rain if necessary.

  • Sunday, February 25

    UU Service Committee- Its Roots and Current Projects

    Nazi Germany invaded the Sudetenland in 1938, occupying the northern part of Czechoslovakia. Lives immediately unraveled. Thousands of people migrated away to seek safety, and many ended up in the southern part of the country.

    A Unitarian minister and a social worker living in Wellesley, Massachusetts, decided to live their faith and join the refugees in Prague. Reverend Waitstill and his wife, Martha Sharp, intended to contribute what they could to the persecuted peoples escaping war. Coordinating humanitarian efforts from Prague, Lisbon and Marseilles, they saved thousands of lives during World War II. In 1940, the Unitarian Services Committee—the predecessor of UUSC—was established;. For more than 80 years, UUSC has maintained a steadfast presence on the frontlines of social justice movements around the globe.

    Martha and Waitstill Sharp became the second and third Americans honored by Yad Vashem as Righteous Among the Nations, a distinction granted to non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust.

    Please join the Northwoods SEE Justice Committee. for a talk with Laura Randall of UUSC in the Garden Room on Sunday, Feb. 25th at Noon.

    Sunday, February 25

  • Friday, February 23

    Full Moon Drum Circle

    Celebrate the full moon at our monthly Full Moon Drum Circle

    All are welcome at drum circle. There is optional smudging beforehand for those who want to open spiritual space for yourself. Children are expected to participate in drumming as the adults are doing. We are an organic circle, so all levels of experience are fine. Bring a drum if you have one or borrow from the community collection.

    In the Sanctuary at 7pm.

Keep the fun going all year long!

Attend the Bloom! Service Auction event on November 4 and sign up to attend events, classes, dinners, and parties all year long!