Support is one click away.

Share a joy or concern with the congregation, Lay Ministry, or the Pastoral Care team.

Lay Ministry

Maybe you just need to talk. Maybe you are in need of service from your community. Whatever you need, your Northwoods community is here for you. If you find yourself in need of lay ministry assistance, please let us know.

What We Do
Lay Ministry, part of our Congregational Life ministry, is an umbrella term for the many ways we provide one another support during life’s inevitable transitions. The Coordinator of Lay Ministry and the minister of the church oversee the efforts of Lay Ministry which include:

  • Creating and distributing comfort shawls for people or families in transition, as well as graduation blankets for youth transition to young adulthood, and baby blankets for our newest community members.
  • Arranging and providing material care during times of illness, recuperation, or in welcoming a new member of the family. This support can include food deliveries, rides, help with housework after a child arrives, crisis childcare, or other volunteer support.
  • Visiting the homebound, hospitalized, or those in long-term care.
  • Listening when you have something to talk through, are feeling alone, are facing a difficult decision, or otherwise need a compassionate ear.

Complete the Joys and Concerns form to let us know how you are doing, or make an appointment with Rev. Sarah.

Love is the spirit of this church, and service is its gift. This is our great covenant; to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.

Appointments with the Minister

Do you find yourself needing support? Do you need to share your thoughts or feelings? To schedule an online appointment with Rev. Sarah? The following appointments are available:
Program/Planning Session – 60 or 30 Minutes
Pastoral Care – 60 or 30 Minutes
Chat/Check-in – 15 Minutes

Pastoral Care Team

The Pastoral Care Team is a group of trained women and men who are available when you want someone to talk to. They will not try to “fix” the problem, but can provide deep listening and help you gain perspective on whatever you may be facing. The team has dealt with:

Coping with long-term illness
Grief issues
Decisions about life or work transitions
Other times in which presence, listening and understanding is the primary need.

Your Story is Sacred

Call upon our Pastoral Care Team whenever you feel that talking something out with someone would be helpful. Your story will be kept confidential, except in cases of mandatory reporting. With your permission, they may share some of your story with your minister or offer community referrals.

A Pastoral Care Team member can be called upon by contacting your minister, your Lay Ministry Coordinator, or by filling out the form on our website. It’s our privilege to hear you.